What to see

From many hundreds years ago, the images of banyan trees, water wells or a village gate is closely linked to Vietnamese peacefulness in the countryside. Since time passed by, everything has greatly changed as well. Therefore, to seek for core values and original pictures of the Vietnamese from the old times, Duong Lam ancient village is really worth your thorough consideration.
Once heading straight to that nice place, let’s leave all stuffs you are confronting behind and fully your tour till the last minute. Keep some notes down to make sure your route will work out really well.
1. Before departure
It takes you around 1.5 hours to arrive the destination by motorbike. The roadmap is as easy as eating cake if you ever got such experience; otherwise, you should come to ask for sound advice for the locality during your short journey.
It is advisable that your departure starts from the early morning or afternoon to avoid unexpected troubles when you come back Hanoi too late in the evening.
2. Places should not be missed out
Duong Lam is divided into five smaller villages corresponding to five communal house, including Doai Giap, Cam Lam, Dong Sang, Cam Thinh and Mong Phu. Because of time limit, you may come to typical places in the ancient village such as village gate, Mong Phu Communal house, the village well, Mia pagoda, Ngo Quyen temple and so forth.
The ancient village has a long-standing history since more than one thousand years ago. Arriving there, the first impression about the village is that most of the buildings are made laterite and mud, two materials that are abundant in the area. They are both so strong that all houses still stay firm through centuries under even the most severe weather.
The best tour guides for you are the elderly in the village. They are totally clear about the history of their land so that besides guiding you to the right destinations, they also gave you exciting stories that can not be found on the web or somewhere else.
3. What to do?
Duong Lam is undeniably a very good place to study about the history of Vietnam communities and the local agriculture. Furthermore, as the weather is nice, many young people flock to Duong Lam Village to take photos. It brings you back to the past and carries images of common things like buffaloes, wells or the banyan tree.