Hanoi Streets

Cao Thang is a short street running for only 140m from Tran Nhat Duat Street to Nguyen Thien Thuat Street , behind Dong Xuan Market
The street of Cao Thang was once Nguyen Khiet Thuong hamlet, Ta Tuc ward, Tho Xuong District. During the French administration of Indochina, it got the name of Rue Grappin.
After the communist revolution of August 1945, the new administrator changed the name into Nguyen Canh Chan street after a war hero of the post –Tran dynasties. These administrators did not last long in the city as the Frech made a comeback in 1946. After defeating the French in the battle of Dien Bien Phu in 1954 the Vietnamese force took over the capital. It was also when this street got its modern name of Cao Thang.
Cao Thang was a war hero in a grassroot movement prostesting the occupation of French in Vietnam during the last dynasty of Vietnam. He joined the force with an ex-mandarin to fight against the French colonizers. He was a progressive figure who developed his force and tried to reproduce modern gun in the Western style. Unfortunately, he died young in a bloody battle at the age of 29. The naming of the street might have some implications from the contemporary victory of Vietnamese to French colonizers.
Cao Thang is a short street. Originally, it was only a shortcut from the river bank to the market used by merchants from the bridge. Later, it elvoved into a small street with some narrow houses. The economy boom has brought to this street many more modern buildings.